by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 16, 2007 | Intermediate
Yet, G-d chose to interact with us. So He elected to be known — to some degree — so that we could refer to Him, serve Him in more palpable ways, and thus draw close to Him. Because it’s simply impossible to interact with an unknowable entity. Thus,...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | May 2, 2007 | Intermediate
It goes without saying that we rely on our mind and its perceptions for nearly everything. So if something doesn’t quite jibe with our sense of what’s rational, reasonable, and explicable we tend to reject it. Yet it’s also true that our minds...
by Rabbi Yaakov Feldman | Apr 17, 2007 | Intermediate
There are a number of basic things we’d have to clear up about the stuff and substance of the Torah’s world-view if we’re ever to understand what’s expected of us. And it’s all here in Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s Ma’amar...